Ulaganayagan Kamal Haasan filed a fresh petition against Pyramid Saimira which is a new twist claiming Rs. 11 crore damages with 10 per cent interest. According to the actor, when he agreed to star in Marmayogi, he did not know the true financial status of the production house. But when their cheque amounting to Rs. 1.5 crore was returned for lack of funds at the bank, Kamal said he realized that the project is in rough weathers.
Kamal Haasan
Kamal Haasan further stated in his petition that he got an offer from Ramesh Sippy’s production house and Walt Disney, both of which he refused due to his commitments with Marmayogi.
According to Kamal, Ramesh Sippy’s production house was ready to offer Rs. 10 crores for their project. Walt Disney also offered Rs. 10 crores but increased it to Rs. 20 crores later. In spite of such excellent offers coming his way, the actor claimed that could not take it up because of Pyramid Saimira. The actor’s claim for damages will be taken up for hearing on October 9th, 2009.
Kamal Haasan
Kamal Haasan further stated in his petition that he got an offer from Ramesh Sippy’s production house and Walt Disney, both of which he refused due to his commitments with Marmayogi.
According to Kamal, Ramesh Sippy’s production house was ready to offer Rs. 10 crores for their project. Walt Disney also offered Rs. 10 crores but increased it to Rs. 20 crores later. In spite of such excellent offers coming his way, the actor claimed that could not take it up because of Pyramid Saimira. The actor’s claim for damages will be taken up for hearing on October 9th, 2009.
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